In the last decade auriferous activity has gone through substantial changes all over the world due to global warming, having taken effect in the countries with big gold investment programs, elevating in this way production substantially. This also brought about as a consequence a way to research and investigation of modern and appropriate technologies, tendencies for cost reduction, achieve high productivity and increase production.
A great part of this scientific technological experience all around the world is seen in this site. In the last years different countries have been able to take on modern techniques as far as the different stages of procedure of production and industrialization of the yellow metal. Some of the different technological innovations that have take place are:
The procedure of activated carbon in pulp, that brings about the recovery of gold through precipitation with zinc and electro deposition.
Cyanidation is a simple and economic procedure that allows the opening of deposits with contents or the continuance of old renovations; besides these renovations, these days we are highlighting more and more over the usage of the oldest technique that is known of: gravimetry. All this has to do with is placement of gravimetric tools that allow high recovery of gold.
The particularity of the processing of gold minerals does not reside in the usage of certain specific techniques, but in the combination of technologies based on an exhaustive mineral study, following along with the old belief that there are not two mines that are the same, therefore, one specific technology is not applicable to two mines.
The idea is to put in the hands of those that are interested and immersed in the auriferous activity, some information of council that will support your work with the idea of obtaining an optimal and productive operation.
The following has been separated into parts in order to give you an integral vision of this activity. From the aspects remember to keep in mind that in order to take on an auriferous mining project the first part takes on aspects that need to be taken account of to understand and carry out exploration work, in the second part we focus on different types of deposits and besides this we also focus also on a combination of processing techniques of the minerals in an appropriate way, like the application of the extraction technology, concentration and recovery of gold, according to the type of deposit and its mineralogical association in order to obtain good results.
Without a doubt the idea of this article is to provide the best and most information about this important theme. The idea is to cover a good number of aspects, however, in general we hope that it is useful.