If its going to be wireless vs wireline then its wireless hands down. But going deeper in to that I will have to say that the future will not be in just cell phones or BlackBerry's or the iphone. I think you have to look deeper into it, think of a world with readers, tablets etc ...... but at the same time being able to still connect your ever day life into these devices. The industry is evolving and a wind of change is coming too.

The telecommunication industry will go to another NEW ERA with new high speed data services enabled by LTE/WiMax/IMS, IP end-to-end. For the end-users it will mean more information to exchange, for the operators more money to make, and for the equipment vendors (Infrastructure/handset..) it will mean more complex equipment to design and deploy.
Welecome to the information age.
The ex IBM CEO, Louis Gerstner, was asked once about the future of computing. He gave a very interesting analogy as a means to answer the question. He said .... before the invention of the electrical motor, factories used to have steam engine rooms outside the plant with shafts connected to the machinery inside. After the invention of the electrical motor, all machines have their motors embedded in them.
He said .... in today's world, there are computers everywhere serving specific functions. In the future, he predicted, computing capabilities will be embedded in everything from clothes and wall paints all the way to big robots and apparatus. I don't recall if he specifically mentioned nano technology as the enabler for this evolution. But I believe it is.
Let’s take this analogy one step further and deduce the future of telecommunications. If computing is embedded in everything and connectivity becomes everywhere, then we can imagine a world in which communication devices are less visible and information flows less intrusively.
If we look at telecommunication, the primary intent has been to communicate across a distance.
From just standalone voice and data communication, the industry has over the past few years evolved to provide communication backbone for multimedia - voice, data, image and video.
To do so the initial battle between, wired (copper and optical) and wireless (multiple technologies), cable has now become a driver for convergence and coexistence.
The business will be driven by the value that is available through seamless connectivity. It is very likely that connectivity will be taken for granted in fact like any commodity could become free (see the cost of voice communication going southward).
Different industries like health care (seamless access and connectivity for health care), entertainment ( mobile access to movies, music and games), financial institutions (secure and mobile access to money transactions, shares), manufacturing (seamless access to the supply chain) would drive telecom technologies and solutions.
The requirement of seamless access would vary from very small distances (the tele part of telecommunication) to across the globe would be another driver.
So these are exciting times for any one who can create innovative that provide tangible benefits to the end user who now has access to varied options of multi media connectivity.
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