A new level of versatility and speed in laser scanning. High definition laser scanning has become integral to surveying, much like GPS. DGA has purchased a Leica ScanStation, the newest member of the Leica Geosystems HDS product family. The Leica HDS ScanStation adds backsight, re-section and traverse capabilities to the industry's most popular scanner platform for accurate, cost-effective topographic and as-built surveys.
As the first instrument to combine these four fundamental total station features into one scanner, Leica ScanStation defines a new category of laser scanner:
Full 360°x270° field-of-view Survey-grade dual-axis (tilt) compensation for back-sight, re-section & traverse Survey-grade accuracy for each measurement 50,000 points/sec maximum instantaneous scan rate, Excellent practical, useful range - up to 300m for 90% surface reflectivity combines with narrow beam and ultra-fine scanning.
Create 3D models of historic buildings, archaeological sites, and complex structures.
The features and virtues of this new technology manifest themselves in many ways, including improved project cost performance, schedule reductions, deliverable quality, and safety.