3D Satellite world map at 1km resolution.
Earth Explorer 3.5 Full($49.95) is an offline version, which does not need Internet connection to access data from Motherplanet database. Earth Explorer 3.5 Full has beautiful satellite view of our planet. The satellite view is composed with millions of high-definition satellite photos.
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Major Features of Earth Explorer 3.5 Full:
3D global view with 1km resolution satellite imagery convered entire earth;
Inlucding 267 countries and regions, 40000+ cities, 15000+ islands, 1700+ noteworthy historical earthquakes and vector layers including political boundaries, coastlines, rivers, longitude-latitude grids;
Measure and caclulate distance and bearing between any two points, find a particular country, city, island by name, and learn their detailed informatiom;
Real-time deliver 1km resolution satellite image data to your desktop;
Easy-to-use user interfaces;
What is new in version 3.5?
What you can do with Earth Explorer 3.5 Full?
You can browse 1km resolution 3D world map offline;
You can zoom in close enough to a specific place(cities, countries or islands) to read its detailed information like population, GDP per capita and its area.
You can make the Earth spin by clicking left, right, up and down buttons.
You can measure the direct distance between two specific spots.
You can save a high resolution picture of a specific place on the 3D world map
Earth Explorer 4.6 Professional for Windows and MAC OS X
Perfect world map on your desktop at 1km resolution.
Earth Explorer 4.6 Professional ($149.95) is an offline version, include whole 1km resolution satellite and topographic data set in the install package, you don't need Internet connection to access data from Motherplanet database.
Earth Explorer 4.6 Pro has both Topographic view and satellite view and the perfect blend of the two.
Try: Free Download Buy: Only $149.95 (279MB)
What is new in version 4.6:
Improved program interface;
Updated data for countires and earthquakes information;
Automatically restore the place upon exit;
Add map legend;
Add Path/Placemark;
DMS and GPS formats for lat/lon input;
Add Print (Preview) funtion;
Add Compass;
Add Map Scale;
Enable mouse scroll to zoom-in or zoom-out;
Major Features of Earth Explorer 4.6 Professional:
3D global view with 1km resolution satellite imagery and shaded relif DEM (digital elevation model) imagery convered entire earth;
Inlucding 267 countries and regions, 40000+ cities, 15000+ islands, 1700+ noteworthy historical earthquakes and vector layers including political boundaries, coastlines, rivers, longitude-latitude grids;
Measure and caclulate distance and bearing between any two points, find a particular country, city, island by name;
Integrate satellite imagery and DEM imagery in a program seamlessly and generate a particular blend layer(Only provide with professional version);
Easy-to-use user interfaces;